Welcome to filming.90210locations.info

This site is dedicated (I use that term loosely) to tracking down filming locations from all of your favorite films and TV shows. A lot of the locations are in or around Los Angeles (give or take), but really are all over the place – California, Chicago, Vancouver(ish), North Carolina, Georgia, Florida – you get the idea. The site has been around more than 15 years at this point. Some shows were popular but became overwhelming to keep up with for 97** seasons (see: Shameless, Bosch and Sons of Anarchy) so the pages eventually became less comprehensive over time. Some of the locations are so old or short-lived, I barely remember working on them (looking at you Stealing Harvard and Ben and Kate). Either way, they are all still on here somewhere, even if I forget to link to them anywhere.

** Rough Estimate

Now that I have made that disclaimer, peruse the latest and greatest site additions by using the links below (or trying the menu or the search – as I said, I might have forgotten to link to Cool as Ice in enough places):

Featured TV Locations

Semi-Retired Featured TV Locations
These shows featured regular updates for a long time, but are now only updated sporadically to fill in missing locations if requested.

Other TV Series Locations with Regular Updates

TV Series Locations with Many Locations But More Sporadic Updates

Recent Filming Location Additions/Updates

DISCLAIMER: Screenshots are used for the purpose of providing location context only... not as part of a giant master plan to infringe on any copyrights. If they need to be removed for some legal reason, or you just don't want people on the interwebs viewing pictures while they read, drop me a line here and let me know.

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